Friday, September 30, 2011

ESSAY: Do We Need Emotions?

What does it mean to be "human"? Could it mean one has a heart? Could it mean one has pride? Could it mean one has a personality? Could it mean one knows right from wrong? Could it mean one has perseverance? Could it mean that one is born evil? Actually, there is no definitive characteristic of a human being. We all have our own thoughts and opinions about this broad question. There are many different qualities that someone can obtain to be a “human.”

I think that a human must be able to feel emotions and feelings. An emotion is a word that helps describe how a person is feeling. There are many emotions used to describe a person. Some emotions are: happiness, sadness, anger, hate, excitement, depression etc. In this world, some people show no emotions at all, but I think it is very rare. We are humans. We all have emotions that we feel. If we didn’t, how would we be able to describe how we feel? Would we use the term: “I feel nothing..?” No, this would be impossible. How can someone not feel anything at all? The only time where a person would feel absolutely nothing, is when he/she is dead. That is the only exception. With that being said, a human being will always have an emotion. He/she may not decide to show it, but they are feeling it.

For some people, it is obvious to tell what they are feeling. For example, you can tell a person is happy, if he/she is smiling, laughing, and is in a good mood. On the other hand, he/she can be putting up a front. Meaning, the laughs and smiles are all fake. Why would someone want to pretend that they are happy, when they aren’t? Maybe it is because they are trying to cover up all of the pain that they are holding in. It could be the only way to cope with the pain. Another way, in which a human will cope with the pain, is to use a fake smile. It is a very easy thing to do. Some people cannot tell the difference between a real and fake one. Some people find it easier to do because he/she will not have to explain why they are feeling unhappy. There are also some people who don’t want their business going around, so they keep quiet and to themselves about the problems that they encounter. Keeping everything bottled up inside is not a healthy thing to do. He/she should have at least one person that they can confide in. If not, this human being will be stressing about a lot things. In today’s society, it is very hard to find people that are trustworthy. Now a day, these so called “friends” that we have are nothing but backstabbers.

Another emotion that makes up a human is the ability to feel love towards their significant other. Love is a very powerful emotion to feel. Love is not a word that can be thrown around like it is nothing, but one must earn the love. Today, a majority of teenage kids think they are in “love.” Truth is, we have no idea on what love is, not yet anyway. We are way too young to understand the concept of it. Love is one of the main reasons to why two people stick together. If there is no love, then there is no point in having the relationship. Loving someone requires commitment. Being committed is to hold on to the relationship even when things get rough between the two. There is also a feeling you get, when you are with that special someone. He or she is able to make your world feel so perfect. Finding true love takes time and patience.

Another emotion that we humans feel is the feeling of loneliness. One person can be surrounded by hundreds of people and yet they still feel so alone in the world. It seems like everyone else is doing their own thing, has their own crowd, and is completely comfortable. While everyone else is doing their own thing, you are there feeling like an outsider. You feel like you do not belong, you feel lost, and sometimes you have the urge to run away. You feel sort of awkward because everyone else seems to know what they are doing, but you have no clue on what to do. Feeling alone also has something to do with being shy. Feeling shy might mean it is harder to make friends with people. Keeping a conversation may be a little hard; there may also be several awkward silences. Hopefully, this person will learn to not be shy and know that it is okay to make new friends. This person does not have to be afraid of what everyone else thinks of him/her. When conquering the fear of shyness, this person will have friends that will accept her for who he/she is.

Fear. It may be one of the most common emotions. Everyone is afraid of something. It could be: spiders, ghosts, heights, clowns, etc. Some people think of the future, and it scares them. There are a lot of thoughts that can run through someone’s mind when looking into the future. The thought of being alone, the thought of getting diseases, and the thought of dying young are some of the scenarios that I think of. There is also the fear of losing the ones you love. What are some of your fears?

In the end, being able to feel emotions is what makes us human. As mentioned before, having emotions helps us describe what we are feeling. Without emotions, we are nothing. If we didn’t have them, then we would be living in a world that is very dull and boring. There would be no excitement, joy, and happiness. Who would want to live in a world that is boring? Just imagine it. Every single day, you go through the same routine without feeling anything. What kind of a life style is that? There is no point in living, if you are not able to feel anything. Me, personally, I would not be able to live this way. I need some excitement in my life. I am young; I want to live my life to the fullest. I want to be able to feel the rush of excitement, happiness, joyfulness, etc. How would you feel if you lived in a world with no emotions or feelings?

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