Thursday, September 22, 2011

FREE: Yes, I've Changed.

“Kristy, you changed…” Recently, I have been getting this a lot from some of my old friends. I would have to agree with them. I know I changed, but I think I changed for the better. Yes, that nice, innocent little girl from middle school finally grew up. She learned to not let people walk all over her. She learned to not let people take advantage of her. She learned how to say “No.” to something she didn’t want to do. She learned that a friendship can only last for so long. She learned how to depend on no one, but herself. She learned how to trust only in a few. She learned the meaning of a true friend. She learned the meaning of backstabbers and shit talkers. She learned how to believe in herself. She learned how to stand up for herself. She learned to not give a fuck about what people have to say.

So, yes, you don’t have to tell me I changed. I know I changed. After I learned all of these things, I am much more content with my life. Within the years of this learning process, I think the biggest concept I learned was to not give a fuck about other people’s opinions of me. I don’t live to impress you. You can talk crap about me all you want, but just know, you’re wasting your breathe. I find it quite flattering that you’d use your precious time to talk shit. I’m guessing you have nothing better to do?

If you’re not getting hated on, then you ain’t doing shit. (This is MY opinion..)

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