Thursday, September 22, 2011

CE: Mexico.

Oh, my. There were 35 dead bodies that were dumped in the middle of the road in broad day light. A majority of the people died due to suffocation, two of which were minors. I do not understand how someone can do this to these human beings. How can one suffocate 35 people? The person that did this does not have a heart. I believe they were killed because they were involved in some drug organization. An organization that has been fighting rival drug gangs for control of the key port city.

These types of crimes are rarely solved in Mexico. Why? It is that hard to solve a case like this? They should put a lot more effort into trying to find out who murdered all of these people. Mexico needs to do whatever they can to prevent this tragic incident from happening again. The security in Mexico should try to improve. The Government should also find a better way to prevent illegal activities from happening.

The city of Veracruz use to be a very peaceful place. The women in this video states that: “It seems like nobody is doing anything about this incident.” It shows that she is trying to get back to life before the violence. It may be a hard thing to do, considering what recently happened. The Mexicans are wondering when the violence will end. They aren’t the only ones who are thinking this. Everyone around the world is probably thinking the same thing. Honestly, I don’t think the violence will ever stop. As the year passes by, the more violence there will be.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that what's going on in our southern neighbor is terrifying. But unfortunately, even when the Mexican government has made attempts to escalate security measures, it generally hasn't seemed to work.

    What are your feelings about legalizing or decriminalizing drugs? That may be a less violent approach to changing the way the whole problem of drug-trafficking gets looked at. I am no expert on this, but it seems clear to me that we need to think about some very different solutions....Your thoughts?
