Thursday, September 8, 2011

FREE: Be Grateful.

People, who are always complaining about the most stupid shit in the world and are ungrateful for what they have, it irritate the fuck out of me. When kids say, “Oh, I hate my parents!” it bugs me. Okay, well, I must admit, I’ve said this a thousand of times, but I realized how lucky I am to even have a parent. Getting back to my point, people these days needs to open their eyes and see all of the things our parents do for us. What do they do for us?

They put food on our plates, gives us a home to live in, and clothes to keep us warm. Think about it for a second. There are so many kids in the world who don’t have a mom or a dad. There are kids who are starving and are wondering when their next meal is going to be. There are kids who walk around with no clothes on, because their family is poor and can’t afford clothes. So, the next time when you’re complaining about not getting the shirt, jeans, jacket, or shoes that you wanted, you should be thankful about having clothes to wear in the first place. Another thing that bothers me is when people are complaining about the smallest things. An example would be, complaining about being grounded for the weekend. It’s not really a big deal; it’s only for the weekend. Think about how other people have to live. There are parents that physically and verbally abuse their children. Well, let’s just say, if we all threw out problems into a pile and saw everyone else’s, I bet we would be quick to grab ours back.


  1. hey, i wrote a response to this :)


  3. wtf,i clicked the "post comment" button and my comment didn't show. but w/e i responded to this.

  4. i responded to this post.
