Thursday, September 15, 2011

CE: Not Getting Paid Enough.

How the maids are being treated is not fair. They do so much work around the house and for what? Only $18 a month? That is barely enough to survive. 17 year old Ann uses the money to feed her siblings at home. After buying food, there is not much left over. Under the countries labor code, $18 a month is considered enough pay for the country 2.5 million helpers. I would have to disagree with this code. Do you agree with it? It is hard to survive in the world with such little pay. I can’t imagine how I would survive with a low income. If the employers are able to pay for cable and refrigeration, then they should be able to pay the maids more than $18 a month. All of the effort and time they put into their jobs, they deserve better pay.

One of the things that bothered me in the video was, they mentioned Ann getting verbally and physically abused by some of her employers. I don’t understand how they were willing to abuse someone who was helping them around the house. Let alone, abuse anyone at all. If they had no problem doing it to Ann, then they’d have no problem doing it to someone else. This man, also made Ann call him “Uncle.” He also threatened her.

Although being a maid is not the best choice, they are still getting paid. It may not much, but it is better than no having a job at all.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a big issue of social injustice to me. I wonder just how many people have suffered and been beaten or verbally abused, yet were too scared to speak out or even anonymously tell the police!?
    The economy in the Philippines is quite sad. I once watched a documentary, called Human Planet, in which many young Filipinos had to engage in a very fascinating, but very dangerous and life-threatening practice where they fished underwater breathing only through a thin plastic tube. They didn't want to, but there were simply no other jobs, and the effectiveness of the fishing has depleted the fish population, meaning their incomes are even smaller.
    Anyway, this injustice sounds like it should be brought to international attention to protect these people from violence and danger.
