Thursday, September 8, 2011

RE: Who are your real friends?

This is from Gendarme Docena.
"Finding the wrong friends can be fun too, because you can see whose worth to keep and who isn't.."
 I can really relate to this quote. In my past experience, i have lost some close friends, but hey, who hasn't? Losing a close friend may be easy for some people, but for me, it takes some time to realize that we are no longer friends anymore. Why? I think it is because i always find myself sitting and reminiscing about the good times that we shared together. All of the memories we had comes rushing back. It makes me think about what went wrong in our "friendship." Finally, i realized that there is a reason to why they did not make it to my present. It shows that they weren't worth my time. Which is a shame because i tried to recreate the special bond that we once shared, but things weren't the same. It was actually kind of awkward...

I am not ashamed to say, i don't think i have much friends at Alameda High School. Well, i have friends, but only a few good friends. Honestly, i'd rather have a small group of real friends than a big group of friends that don't really give a shit about me. I have come to realize who my true friends are. I can confide in them with a majority of my problems. Although, there are certain people who like to make fun of me, it's okay because that is the kind of friendship that we share with each other. To me, the ones that are worth keeping are the ones who has been there for me since the very beginning, the ones that i can trust, the ones who can keep secrets, the ones who actually care about me, etc...


  1. Oh hi there Kristy! im going to use a quote from here :]

  2. hi there! :) heres where i used your quote
