Wednesday, September 14, 2011

FREE: Do you need something? Or...

I hate it when a "friend" will talk to me because he/she needs something. Honestly, I think it is irritating. I don't say anything, but it makes me not want to help them. A majority of the time, I end up helping them. I wouldn't mind helping them if we talked on a daily basis. When an old friend talks to me out of nowhere, I get the idea that they miss talking to me, but no, they just need something from me.

One of the things that bother me the most is that, I never get a "Thank You." After they get what they need, they stop talking to me. I'm just like "What the fuck!?" I always tell myself that I will not help them the next time, but I fail to do so. It is not because I like the feeling of being used, it’s because I made a promise to always be there for them. I dislike people who break their promises, so I try not to break the promises that I make. But recently, I have realized that maybe I should not help people who talk to me when they need something.

Don't take it personally. I am just tired of being used. Also, when I am in need of something, they are nowhere to be found. If I am there for you, why can't you be there for me? Talk to me because you want to, not because you think I will do something for you.


  1. I understand completely. I frequently get "used" because I just love to help people out, and I hate it when I feel indebted to someone.
    However even if we are used, it's ok, you can remind yourself that you were the better person in the situation! Feel good that you have done good things for other people, not bad that you may have suffered losses because of it.
    That's the way I see it, anyway!!!

  2. Hey! I am going to use a quote from here okay? :]

  3. Don't worry about them Kristy, maybe you're just such a nice person??? It happens to me all the time too, so at least you know you're not alone in this matter ^-^.

  4. hi there i used a quote from here!! its right here!! :)
