Friday, September 9, 2011

CE: The 10 year anniversary.

Today marks the 10 year anniversary of 9/11. In case you didn’t know, on 9/11 of 2001, there was a terrorist attack. The attack was a frightening experience for many people. For an example, the woman that was being interviewed in this video is now afraid of thunderstorms. She used to love the sounds of the thunderstorms. She is also afraid of walking under buildings because she is afraid that the buildings will fall. After the attack happened, she felt somewhat safe because she thought that they would be coming back, but they never came back. Because of 9/11 it has made many people afraid of another attack happening. Many lives have been taken due to the attack. It also has made the world somewhat worse. Like when it comes to America creating alliances with other countries.

The US security system has tightened up a lot since the attack. In my opinion, sometimes I don’t think the security system is doing enough to protect us. Maybe it is due to the fact that people are always traveling in and out of the US. It is hard to keep track of everyone who is traveling. Another reason to why I think it is not safe is because the news are putting videos of people at the airport on TV. While watching these videos a “terrorist” can find a loophole in the security system. The security at an airport cannot predict a person’s thoughts, intentions, or actions when entering or leaving the US.

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