Monday, September 5, 2011

Get To Know Me (:

Hi, my name is Kristy Vo. I am nice, quiet, shy, caring, ect... I was born at Summit hospital on July 13, 1996 approximately around 9:00 A.M. I lived in Oakland for a majority of my life, and i moved to Alameda when i was in 7th grade. I went to Santa Fe Elementary, Cleveland Elementary, Lincoln Middle School, and now I am attending Alameda High School as a Sophomore. Now that i am a Sophomore, I have to start focusing on my future. I have a lot of goals that i want to fulfill. My older sister, Jenny wanted to name me after one of her favorite Hong Kong movie star. I do like my name, but when I want to buy something with my name on it, the store usually doesn't have my spelling. I am 100% Vietnamese, but I speak Chinese. Yes, I know it is weird, I find it strange how my mom decided to teach me Chinese instead of Vietnamese. I went to Chinese school for three years and went to Vietnamese school for a whole summer. I regret quitting because it would've have benefited me in the future. I can always go back, but I will be put into a class with the younger kids. My favorite animals are monkeys, turtles, and ducks. I think they all are really cute. One day, my friend and I are going to own these animals. I have 2 older brothers and 3 older sisters. I also have 1 niece named Katie and a named Tyler. Although they all annoy me, i still love them because they are family and no matter what they will always be there for me.

During my free time i like to listen to music, watch TV, hangout with friends, and spend time with my family. Actually, i love listening to music. I like to listen to anything that sounds good. I usually listen to underground my R&B, acoustic music, and rap. When i am listening to music, i have the tendency to block out my surroundings. So, if you decide to talk to me when i have my headphones on and i don't respond, don't take it the wrong way, i probably can't hear you. I don't have cable, so i watch my TV shows on Netflix or online. Some of my favorite TV shows are: Pretty little liars, The secret life of an American teenager, Lincoln Heights, Bones, Prison break, ect... I really enjoy spending my friends. Although, our hang outs are usually random and pointless, i still have a great time with them. We usually walk around Park St, eat, go the the park, movies, or just sit around and talk. Every Sunday is family day. We usually go to the mall, movies, Dave and busters, sisters house, or sometimes we just stay at home. Other than that, i don't do much during my free time.
I have a lot more guy friends than girl friends. Why? Well, in my opinion, i think having girls as friends comes with a lot of drama. I don't like to deal with all of the unnecessary drama, so i try to stay away from it as much as possible. I do have a few girl friends, but one of my goals this year is to make more. There is nothing wrong with the guy friends i have, but when it comes to venting and emotional stuff, i don't think they really care, so so yeah. Speaking of goals, i have some for writing this year. I would like to increase my vocabulary. I also want to improve my writing skills. In my opinion, I don't think I have the best writing skills, and i hope to improve them. I also want to be able to write more creatively. Well, i don't think i have any other writing goals this year, so bye!

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