Tuesday, October 4, 2011

RE: Being Judgemental & Beauty.

This is from Vicky's blog.
"Our species have seem to be low on self confidence and accepting who they are all because of our generation..."

When i think of the word confidence, the first thing i think of is the teenage girls of this generation. i think of how teenage girls these days are not confident with their appearance as a person. They think that they are ugly, fat, stupid, anything but beautiful. I blame this on our society, generation of kids, and the media.

Our society and our generation of kids are so judgmental towards each other. A majority of the time, we are judged based off of how we dress and how we look. It seems like our appearance as a person defines who we are. Unfortunately, I think that this is very true. No one takes the time of actually getting to know someone. Instead, people are judging a book by its cover. Think about it... I know we all have judged someone based off of how they looked. I must admit, I've done it before, and I am not proud of it. Think about it this way: The kid who is super nerdy, may be your boss one day. The kid with a bad case of acne, may be one of the nicest person you will ever meet. The kid who is quiet, may be a shy person with a lot to say, but he/she is afraid of speaking their mind. Do you see what is happening? It is not fair. Everything we say or do, we are being judged for it.

I sort of went off topic...

Now, talking about the media and beauty. The media advertises girls that are skinny with a lot of make up on. What is this? Why is it only skinny girls? What about all of the other girls in the world? What about the average, chubby, and thick girls? Are they not "beautiful" enough to be in the magazines? The media is what causes teenage girls to feel ugly and fat. Some girls end up starving themselves just to lose a few pounds. Obviously, this is not a healthy thing to do. Girls are also wearing make up to school. Personally, i don't understand why they do. Who are you trying to impress? Do you want a guy to notice you? I'm guessing it is so they can feel beautiful. It is so they won't be judged for being "ugly." Oh, and if you want a guy to notice you, be yourself. If he can't accept your natural beauty, then he doesn't deserve you.

My point it, if you are reading this and you are a girl, just know that you are beautiful just the way you are. Don't change the way you look to satisfy another persons needs.

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