Friday, October 7, 2011

CE: North Korea.

Watching this video breaks my heart. Looking at these weak infants is very unpleasant. Some of the kids are starting to show the symptoms of malnutrition and sickness. Although, the kids from North Korea are not starving, they aren’t getting enough food and nutrition in their diet. Because of the lack of food and nutrition, they aren’t growing properly. These infants are prone to disease. I hate the thought of these kids getting any diseases. Actually, I hate the thought of anyone getting a disease. They baby that is shown at the beginning of this video, puts a frown on my face. Seeing a baby in that condition upsets me.

The food distribution is down to 200 grams per person, per day. That is not even close to the amount of food that they are supposed to be getting. It is about a third of what a normal would have to eat in a day. Getting a full course meal, would be considered a luxury to these starving kids. The international donors have been reluctant to help this small country. Recently, the distribution for food has been extremely low. They only have enough to feed about half of the people who are in need of it. Some people think that the donations that are being made go towards the people that are in power. I think the video mentioned something about the leaders using some of the money to perform a military parade. It seems like the people that are in power aren’t acknowledging the people that are in need of food.

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