Wednesday, October 19, 2011

RE:Live Above The Influence

This is from Gendarme (:.
I don't understand how people can get so addicted to drugs.

I absolutely agree with Gendarme. I don't understand how people are willing to put substances in their body that are unhealthy for them. It's like they don't care about their health. Take smoking weed or cigarettes for an example. Both are bad for you. What is the point of smoking anyways? I have been told that if feels good and it takes the stress away. I know, we all have to deal with stress. Especially with our parents always pushing us to strive for good grades. There are other activities you can do to cope with the stress. Instead of taking a hit, try going for a jog. It will benefit you in the long run. Or, spend more time with friends, watch movies, play video games, watch TV, listen to music, or go for a long walk to clear your head. Doing these alternative activities will help you live longer because you will be in good shape as you get older.

At a young age, we all learn that smoking is bad for you, so why do a majority of kids these days smoke? Personally, i think it is because they want to seem "cool." If you're a smoker, how does that make you cool? Oh, is it because you get tired easily? Is it because you have unhealthy lungs? Is it because you have bad substances running through your body? Is it because you're wasting your money on something your body can live without? No, that does not make you cool. I also think it has to do with peer pressure. People think if they try it once, they won't get addicted to it. Unfortunately, people do get addicted. It is something that their body desires.

I have never smoked before. I don't plan on it. I live above the influence, and you should do the same.

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