Thursday, October 13, 2011

RE: Be Yourself.

This is from Bridget.
Be yourself to express, not impress.

I totally agree with Bridget. I think the kids today are always trying to impress each other. But for what? Are you trying to impress your friends? If they were really your friends then you wouldn't have to try to impress them. They should be able to accept you for who you are. If they aren’t able to do so, then it is quite obvious that they aren’t your real friends. It also shows that they don’t want to be your friend just because you can’t do a certain thing. Is that the kind of “friend” that you want to have? A friend that will accept you for someone you’re not, instead of accepting you for the person that you are?

Personally, I would rather be hated for the person I am, instead of being liked for the person I’m not. Why would I want to pretend to be someone other than myself to make friends? Exactly, I wouldn’t want to. I would rather be a loner than a person with fake friends. If the friends are fake, then there really isn’t a point to having them in my life. I want to have friends that are going to be real with me. I want friends that I can share my true feelings and opinions with. I want to have friends who won’t judge me for the things that I do or say. I wan friends that will accept me and all of the flaws that I have. I want friends that will love me unconditionally.

Just be yourself…

1 comment:

  1. Hi there dearest! i used a quote from here! :)))
