Wednesday, October 12, 2011

BC: Steve Jobs.

While reading Steve Jobs speech, there was a quote that made me stop and think for a bit. The quotes read:
"If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right."

I can honestly say that I have never thought of this idea. I believe this quote is saying that if we live our life to the fullest each day, then one day it will come to an end. I think that this is very true. Sooner or later we will all end up dying. For some, it may be soon. People can die at a young age due to diseases, sicknesses, murders, and car accidents. For others, it will be way later in their life time. If today were my last day to live, I would want to have done something fun and exciting.

The thing about dying is we never know when it is going to come. The only to know that our life is going to end is if a person wants to commit suicide. Other than that, death can happen at any moment. It is something that can not be predicted. Although, it cannot be predicted, we humans, can somehow prevent the idea of death at the end of the day. A way to prevent it, is to be careful with what we are doing. An example would be when we are riding our bike around the neighborhood. Make sure that you are wearing a helmet because you will never know if a car is going to end up crashing into you. Remember, accidents can happen. Wearing a helmet can sometimes prevent you from dying. It protects that brain. Imagine if you were not wearing a helmet.. Things could be a lot worse when compared to wearing a helmet.

To me, the concept of dying also has to do with something about fate and destiny. 0Yes, i believe in the words fate and destiny.)I think that when it is our time to go, then we will go. I don't think there is an escape. If the world or "fate" tell us it is time to leave the world behind, then it is something that we obey.

Now, if today was your last day to live, how would you want to spend it? Would you want to be in school? Would you want to be with your friends? With your family? Do something that you hate? Do something that you love? Watch TV? Eat? Sleep? Read? There are a lot of other possibilities to what a person can do on their last day of living. For me, I have a lot of things I want to do before I die. I am sure; other people have a list of the things that they want to accomplish as well. For me, I don't think i would be able to do everything I want to do in a day. 24 hours is nowhere near the amount of time I would need to do everything that I wanted to do.

The point is, everyday, you should live your life to the fullest because one day, it will come to an end.

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