Wednesday, October 19, 2011

FREE: Elementary School (:

LOL <3

I miss being in elementary school. It was the only time in my life where i actually looked forward to going to school. It was so much easier being myself without being judged. It was easier to make friends. The HW was a lot easier. The lesson were easier to understand. The teachers were nicer. It was the time when everyone was friends with each other. No one really hated each other.

I miss my elementary school. I attended Santa Fe, in Oakland, from kindergarten to third grade. I really miss the friends that i would spend my recess with. Actually, I still have contact with some of the people. It's funny, we talk through Facebook and text talking about how much we miss each other, but we never end up making plans. Its either, I'm too busy, or they're too busy. From 4th-5th grade, i attended Cleveland elementary, which is also in Oakland. I can honestly say, i really miss this school. I miss the people in it. I miss all of my friends from there. Because i moved to Alameda, i hardly see or talk them anymore. Once again, we would usually talk though Facebook or text. The different thing with my Cleveland friends, is that we actually have something called a "Cleveland reunion." It is basically a hangout with the kids that went to Cleveland. I believe i went to 2. I think we need to have more, because i really do miss a lot of people.

Oh man, if i could go back to my Cleveland days, i would be one happy camper. When i think of this school, there are so many memories that rushes to my head. Some good. Some bad. I don't think i will ever forget my young naive days in this school. (:

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