Wednesday, October 5, 2011

FREE: My views on sexuality

If you’re gay, that’s cool. If you’re a lesbian, that’s cool. If you’re bisexual, that’s cool. If you’re straight, that’s cool.

Why does it matter what your sexuality is? I hate how people judge other people base off of their sexuality. I don’t get how someone can hate another person for liking someone of the same sex. How does it bother you? Exactly, it shouldn’t. How can you stop two people from loving each other? It is not fair. Everyone should have the right to be with the one they love. Even if it is with someone of the same sex. Love is love.

Some kids are afraid of admitting their sexuality because they are afraid of what people will think. Will people treat them differently? Will they make fun of them? Sadly, kids get made fun of because of their sexuality. Sometimes it gets to the point where the person wants to end their lives because of all the rude comment that are being thrown their way. People verbally and physically abuse these kids. I don’t understand how someone can make a rude comment off of someone’s sexuality. Because of this, some kids don’t tell their sexuality. They keep it hidden, which really sucks, because he/she is not being themselves.

I recently watched this video by Joey Diamond. He talks about how and why he was afraid of admitting his sexuality, but he finally made a video explain his point of view. I have so much respect for him because he isn’t afraid of telling the world that he is gay. He no longer cares about what other people have to say about him. He stayed true to who he was, as a person.

Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.


  1. It's true. People's obsession with others' sexuality is perplexing to me.
    What someone prefers in terms of romance and sexuality is absolutely no one else's business. Yet, people feel the need to find any possible excuse to discriminate against a certain group.
    As for christians who hate gays, there is actually nothing said in the bible explicitly condemning homosexuals (just the condemnation of sodomy, which, like the condemnation of premarital sex, is frankly archaic and unfounded.)
    It's very inspiring to see that people are still willing to be themselves even in the face of such adversity.

  2. Hey Kristy, I read this post and totally agreed so I wrote a response [:
