Thursday, October 20, 2011

CE: Earthquake

So, today when I was sitting in Chemistry listening to presentations about elements, there was an earthquake. At first, I must admit, I didn't really know what was going on until a few seconds later. The only I remember doing was grabbing on to my desk. When there is an earthquake aren’t we all suppose to duck and cover? Ha ha. No, that did not happen in this class. Everyone was just sitting in their seats like nothing happened.  There was an announcement about not evacuating; well I thought that announcement was unnecessary.

This is the first time that I’ve been in school and there was an earthquake. I didn’t know how to react to it. I just stayed in my seat. Usually, when there is an earthquake, I am at home. Even when I am at home, I don’t duck and cover. Yeah, I don’t think it is a safe thing to do. When there is another earthquake, I should take cover to be safe.

My sister told me that there is going to be a big earthquake that is going to happen soon. I believe her. With these small one happening, a big one can happen at any moment. Our family is unprepared for an earthquake. I keep telling my mom and sister to go stock up on water, batteries, and food that we can eat later. They always tell me they will, but they never do. They’re so lazy! I will have to try to make them go this weekend.   


  1. It's true, it's kinda scary how prone our area is to earthquakes and floods. Our little mound, barely above sea level, could easily be enveloped at any minute.
    It's a good idea to stock up! I admit I haven't done as much.

  2. Hi!!!!! Kristy I left a post on this. I think the earthquake was scary. =(
