Thursday, October 20, 2011

CE: Earthquake

So, today when I was sitting in Chemistry listening to presentations about elements, there was an earthquake. At first, I must admit, I didn't really know what was going on until a few seconds later. The only I remember doing was grabbing on to my desk. When there is an earthquake aren’t we all suppose to duck and cover? Ha ha. No, that did not happen in this class. Everyone was just sitting in their seats like nothing happened.  There was an announcement about not evacuating; well I thought that announcement was unnecessary.

This is the first time that I’ve been in school and there was an earthquake. I didn’t know how to react to it. I just stayed in my seat. Usually, when there is an earthquake, I am at home. Even when I am at home, I don’t duck and cover. Yeah, I don’t think it is a safe thing to do. When there is another earthquake, I should take cover to be safe.

My sister told me that there is going to be a big earthquake that is going to happen soon. I believe her. With these small one happening, a big one can happen at any moment. Our family is unprepared for an earthquake. I keep telling my mom and sister to go stock up on water, batteries, and food that we can eat later. They always tell me they will, but they never do. They’re so lazy! I will have to try to make them go this weekend.   

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

FREE: Elementary School (:

LOL <3

I miss being in elementary school. It was the only time in my life where i actually looked forward to going to school. It was so much easier being myself without being judged. It was easier to make friends. The HW was a lot easier. The lesson were easier to understand. The teachers were nicer. It was the time when everyone was friends with each other. No one really hated each other.

I miss my elementary school. I attended Santa Fe, in Oakland, from kindergarten to third grade. I really miss the friends that i would spend my recess with. Actually, I still have contact with some of the people. It's funny, we talk through Facebook and text talking about how much we miss each other, but we never end up making plans. Its either, I'm too busy, or they're too busy. From 4th-5th grade, i attended Cleveland elementary, which is also in Oakland. I can honestly say, i really miss this school. I miss the people in it. I miss all of my friends from there. Because i moved to Alameda, i hardly see or talk them anymore. Once again, we would usually talk though Facebook or text. The different thing with my Cleveland friends, is that we actually have something called a "Cleveland reunion." It is basically a hangout with the kids that went to Cleveland. I believe i went to 2. I think we need to have more, because i really do miss a lot of people.

Oh man, if i could go back to my Cleveland days, i would be one happy camper. When i think of this school, there are so many memories that rushes to my head. Some good. Some bad. I don't think i will ever forget my young naive days in this school. (:

RE:Live Above The Influence

This is from Gendarme (:.
I don't understand how people can get so addicted to drugs.

I absolutely agree with Gendarme. I don't understand how people are willing to put substances in their body that are unhealthy for them. It's like they don't care about their health. Take smoking weed or cigarettes for an example. Both are bad for you. What is the point of smoking anyways? I have been told that if feels good and it takes the stress away. I know, we all have to deal with stress. Especially with our parents always pushing us to strive for good grades. There are other activities you can do to cope with the stress. Instead of taking a hit, try going for a jog. It will benefit you in the long run. Or, spend more time with friends, watch movies, play video games, watch TV, listen to music, or go for a long walk to clear your head. Doing these alternative activities will help you live longer because you will be in good shape as you get older.

At a young age, we all learn that smoking is bad for you, so why do a majority of kids these days smoke? Personally, i think it is because they want to seem "cool." If you're a smoker, how does that make you cool? Oh, is it because you get tired easily? Is it because you have unhealthy lungs? Is it because you have bad substances running through your body? Is it because you're wasting your money on something your body can live without? No, that does not make you cool. I also think it has to do with peer pressure. People think if they try it once, they won't get addicted to it. Unfortunately, people do get addicted. It is something that their body desires.

I have never smoked before. I don't plan on it. I live above the influence, and you should do the same.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

CE: Fatty Foods.

Denmark has imposed a fat tax in attempt to limit the population's intake of fatty foods. The new tax will be on any products that include saturated fats. Such as: butter and milk to pizzas, oils, meats and pre-cooked foods. The reason to why he is putting tax on these types of foods is to try to prevent people from becoming overweight and getting health related issues. I can see why he would want to do something like this. A majority of the people in the world are overweight. There are many ways to prevent the chances of becoming overweight. Do you think this is a good start?

Yes, I do think it is a good idea, but I don’t think it will last very long. I mean, just think about it. The fast food restaurants are so convenient. Even if they did raise the prices, I think people would still be willing to waste their money on these fatty foods to satisfy their cravings. They might cut back a little, but not by a lot. I think the problem of being overweight is both of the fatty restaurants and the person who is consuming the food fault. For starters, they can cut back on the amount of fast food places in an area. Spread them out more, instead of having them in the same area. People will get lazy to drive. As for the person, it is up to them to maintain a healthy diet.

Personally, I try to stay away from fatty foods. I don’t really like to eat greasy foods. I eat it every now and then. When I do eat it, I eat a reasonable amount. I don’t gorge it down my throat. The satisfying sensation that you get in your mouth is what causes people to eat more than what they need to. People need to learn how to eat in moderation.

FREE: Texting.

Honestly, I don’t think I really need a phone anymore. These days, I don’t hit anyone up anymore. It’s just like what’s the point? I feel like I am bothering you, because of the bullshit replies that I get. Then again, I just don’t feel like texting people anymore.

I remember when I first got texting, I would text all the time. I guess it was “fun.” But now, everyone is just annoying. I don’t know how to explain it… I guess I get irritated with people easily. Now a days, I only text about 1-2 people on a daily basis.

Now, there is someone that is annoying to me. He doesn’t understand the fact that I don’t want to talk to him. I try not to be rude about it, but recently, he’s been getting on my nerves. (I’m sure you all have experienced this…) The only thing I can do is not reply to him, but this doesn’t work on him. He keeps sending me texts. The reason to why I don’t like texting him is because it’s always the same shit. On the plus side, he texts me when he’s bored. Okay, don’t text me just because you’re bored. If you’re bored, go do something that is entertaining. I am not here to amuse you. if you want to have a decent conversation with me, then it’s a different story.

Some people get mad at me when I don’t reply to their texts. If I don’t reply to you then it’s most like because:
• You didn’t really give me much to reply to
• The conversation got boring
• Your replies were getting shorter
• Your replies got slower
• I got carried away by something
• You said something that pissed me off
• I fell asleep
• Or I simply don’t feel like talking

RE: Be Yourself.

This is from Bridget.
Be yourself to express, not impress.

I totally agree with Bridget. I think the kids today are always trying to impress each other. But for what? Are you trying to impress your friends? If they were really your friends then you wouldn't have to try to impress them. They should be able to accept you for who you are. If they aren’t able to do so, then it is quite obvious that they aren’t your real friends. It also shows that they don’t want to be your friend just because you can’t do a certain thing. Is that the kind of “friend” that you want to have? A friend that will accept you for someone you’re not, instead of accepting you for the person that you are?

Personally, I would rather be hated for the person I am, instead of being liked for the person I’m not. Why would I want to pretend to be someone other than myself to make friends? Exactly, I wouldn’t want to. I would rather be a loner than a person with fake friends. If the friends are fake, then there really isn’t a point to having them in my life. I want to have friends that are going to be real with me. I want friends that I can share my true feelings and opinions with. I want to have friends who won’t judge me for the things that I do or say. I wan friends that will accept me and all of the flaws that I have. I want friends that will love me unconditionally.

Just be yourself…

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

BC: Steve Jobs.

While reading Steve Jobs speech, there was a quote that made me stop and think for a bit. The quotes read:
"If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right."

I can honestly say that I have never thought of this idea. I believe this quote is saying that if we live our life to the fullest each day, then one day it will come to an end. I think that this is very true. Sooner or later we will all end up dying. For some, it may be soon. People can die at a young age due to diseases, sicknesses, murders, and car accidents. For others, it will be way later in their life time. If today were my last day to live, I would want to have done something fun and exciting.

The thing about dying is we never know when it is going to come. The only to know that our life is going to end is if a person wants to commit suicide. Other than that, death can happen at any moment. It is something that can not be predicted. Although, it cannot be predicted, we humans, can somehow prevent the idea of death at the end of the day. A way to prevent it, is to be careful with what we are doing. An example would be when we are riding our bike around the neighborhood. Make sure that you are wearing a helmet because you will never know if a car is going to end up crashing into you. Remember, accidents can happen. Wearing a helmet can sometimes prevent you from dying. It protects that brain. Imagine if you were not wearing a helmet.. Things could be a lot worse when compared to wearing a helmet.

To me, the concept of dying also has to do with something about fate and destiny. 0Yes, i believe in the words fate and destiny.)I think that when it is our time to go, then we will go. I don't think there is an escape. If the world or "fate" tell us it is time to leave the world behind, then it is something that we obey.

Now, if today was your last day to live, how would you want to spend it? Would you want to be in school? Would you want to be with your friends? With your family? Do something that you hate? Do something that you love? Watch TV? Eat? Sleep? Read? There are a lot of other possibilities to what a person can do on their last day of living. For me, I have a lot of things I want to do before I die. I am sure; other people have a list of the things that they want to accomplish as well. For me, I don't think i would be able to do everything I want to do in a day. 24 hours is nowhere near the amount of time I would need to do everything that I wanted to do.

The point is, everyday, you should live your life to the fullest because one day, it will come to an end.